Moving day is often very stressful. There are a lot fo things going on and everyone is in a hurry. There are a lot of moving parts. You are probably making sure you have all of your valuable papers packed and ready to go with you in your car. The kids are asking you questions and demanding your time. And you are maybe saying goodby to a house, community, or city that you loved.

A lot of emotions come up on moving day. All that adds to a lot of stress. So, when you are moving, the main thing you want to do for your personal well being is to reduce stress. The two mistakes we are talking about in this post are essentially not doing the two most important things to decrease your stress during the move.

The first mistake people make is not being ready to move when the movers arrive. It may sound like an obvious thing, but more often than not, people are still packing when the movers arrive. This is common not just for us, but also other moving companies we talk to. Not being ready when the movers arrive is one of the most common problems during a move. It adds unnecessary cost and increases the likelihood that belongings become damaged due to poor packaging. When you are rushing to get everything completed at the last minute, you greatly increase your stress and your belongings may get accidentally damaged or left behind.

How do you change this? If you have allocated three days for packing, add at least another day for packing. This allows for unexpected interruptions and delays during the packing process. Another option is to have the movers pack. The eliminates the problem entirely.

The second most important thing to do is to take care of yourself before and during the move. Moving is stressful. It is not something you should be doing on an empty stomach or with little sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential before the move. Waking up rested in the morning, and having a good breakfast will put you in good physical and mental shape for the move. Moving is emotionally draining. Rest and strength will help you get through the day calm, cool and collected. Not taking care of yourself before and during the move is the second biggest mistake people make.

A lot of things can go wrong during a move. The best way to ensure a low stress move is to take care of yourself, plan well, and choose a great moving company. When you choose a mover, choose a moving company that is professional, and courteous, choose Paul Hauls Moving and Storage.

Two Common Moving Mistakes

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