Well, I follow the news and there was a flurry of stories about moving scams last year. This was probably due to a bill being considered in congress at the time. Here and here are some articles written about the law. The main focus was to protect interstate movers. People are most vulnerable when they move from state to state.
Moving Scams Not In News These Days
Now, in 2013, these stories about moving company scams have largely taken background to other stories. You don’t find these stories in the news very much these days. But that does not mean they are not happening this year. Scammers just don’t go away with a few additional laws. You should always be careful when choosing a moving company. The same principles apply to hiring moving companies this year. Do your homework before you make the purchase.
This story from Las Vegas shows you that you never know what can happen. Even simple moves can turn into a disaster. Basically, the company moved half his stuff and left the other half at the old premises and tried to get away with the cash! You can read the whole story here.
Choose a moving company you can trust. Choose Paul Hauls.